The reason why I chose North Carolina is because it is my home state, and that means so much to me. I have lived in North Carolina all my life; therefore I have had many great experiences here. Most of my family lives here as well. I am quite interested to see if North Carolina is more of a Democrat or Republican state. Over the past few years, it has always been a republican state, but because Obama and McCain are so close, it is now a swing state. I myself am a democrat, and I am for Obama and Biden. One of the reasons I am for Obama is because he is prochoice. I think it is a wise decision for Obama to be prochoice because he is leaving the decision up to us, the Americans. He truly allows the Americans to be free because we are making our own decision, depending on what suits us best. While I am figuring out the polls, I am hoping to see if my state feels the same way.
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