Thursday, November 6, 2008

McCain: General Issues


McCain does not believe in abortion, and he does not see it as a ‘solution’ to a mother who is not ready to take responsibility of another child.   Instead, the mother should have thought before acted, and waited before taking on this huge responsibility.  McCain classifies himself as pro-life, for he has voted for the Prohibit Partial Birth Abortion bill.  McCain usually gives a terse answer on this subject and he states that if elected president, the US will have a Pro-Life presidency.


McCain says that we need more charter schools, therefore, more opportunities for children all across the US.  He believes that if the US public prefer homeschooling, then he will make it more available.  He says that it is time to give every child an opportunity in education. Also he believes that a teacher’s salary should be raised because their job is extremely important because they educate the future of the US. Educating the children of the US will always be a top priority for McCain, whether or not he becomes the next president of the US.

Death Penalty~

McCain is a great believer in death penalty for federal crimes.  He believes that any person above the age of eighteen who breaks a federal law, e.g.  growing marijuana, should be immediately killed.  He also believes that no racial statistics should be taken into consideration, and that the person guilty deserves this harsh punishment.  


McCain believes and knows that climate change is real.  He also knows that greenhouse gas emissions are a threat. That is why, if he is elected president, he will fix these problems for the next generation of Americans.   McCain believes that nuclear power plants are a great way to conserve energy, that way there will be no permanent damage done on earth.  He looks to France as an example, and he believes that their way with energy is very good.

Health Care~

“John McCain opposes federally mandated universal coverage.  Believes competition will improve the quality of health insurance.”  He also believes that more small businesses should negotiate with insurance companies for lower prices for their employees.  McCain also says that if he is elected president, he will give health care tax dividends for low-income Americans.   Not only that, but he wants it to be so even if you are transferred to a different job, you will have the same insurance plan.  


McCain has strict beliefs on the nation’s security.  He Co-sponsored the Bush-Backed Immigration Reform Legislation. This would have, “Increased funding and improved border security technology, improved enforcement of existing laws, and provided a legal path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. McCain also voted for a 700-mile fence along the US Mexican border, for more protection.

Iraq War~

Hands on, John McCain is 100% for the Iraq War.  He voted in 2002 to send American troops to Iraq.  Now is says that, “Our goal is an Iraq that no longer needs American troops.” If McCain is elected President, he states that by 2013, America will have won the Iraq war, and the troops will come home from battle.   McCain believes that we are on the right track for this battle, and with a little more time, the US can change Iraq for the better.  


McCain also supported the $700 Billion Wall Street Bailout Package.  He stated that,  "This rescue bill isn't perfect, and it is an outrage that it's even necessary, but we have to stop the damage to our economy done by corrupt and incompetent practices on Wall Street and in Washington. The action Congress took [on October 3] is a tourniquet. It is not a permanent solution."  McCain says that if he is elected president, he will allow the US public to know all of the news about Wall Street, and he will not hide anything.  He also proposed a plan called the Mortgage Plan.  The plan allows the federal government to buy bad loans, and then these loans would be converted into low-interest loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration.  


This issue is making life in the US harder, and some people aren’t even able to afford it.  McCain states that if he is elected president, he will make sure to make it possible for the 12 million children who deserve an opportunity to live the American Dream, to live that dream.  McCain hopes that America will soon have mostly rich and middle class societies that can put their children through college, and earn a good retirement.   Also, over the past few years, McCain has voted against raising the minimum wage because he is worried that it will hurt the smaller businesses.   Hopefully, we will soon find a solution to poverty, and it will be demolished from America entirely.  

Stem Cell Research~

McCain says that he supports the stem celled research only on embryos that would be eventually discarded.  Also, he opposes the creation of humans for research purposes, and he is against cloning, or any other experiment done on humans.  McCain voted for the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007.  He was also part of the Human cloning prohibition act of 2007, as well.