Thursday, October 30, 2008


1.  Who are you for in this 2008 election? Why?

I am for Barack Obama.   The main reason I am for Barack Obama is because I strongly feel that if he is elected president, our falling economy will slowly rise to the top once more.  Not only that, but the gas prices will hopefully begin to lower as well. 


2. How did you choose your preferred candidate?

What I basically did was look at McCain and Obama, and at their moral beliefs.  I also studied their political background and I decided that Barack Obama was the best option.  I greatly believe in Barack Obama, and I know that if he is elected president, he will be a great leader. 


3.  What do you believe is the most important issue in this election?

The most important issue would probably be the crashing economy.  I would really like a president who can fix this problem because it is affecting a large amount of people.


4. Do you believe your preferred candidate has a chance in this election? Why or why not?

Yes.  Obama is a strong candidate who can, and will change the US for the better.  Also, because many people have not been pleased with George Bush’s presidency, I don’t think they will want another man with his similar beliefs. 


5. Did you support your preferred candidate’s decision about their vice president? Why or why not?

Yes, I felt that Obama made a very wise decision about choosing Joe Biden to be his running mate.  Obama knows he is not very skilled in foreign policies and I think that is why he chose Joe Biden, a man who is really skilled in foreign policies. 


I interviewed my father, Sam Khatib on his beliefs and his stance in this election.  My father is a strong Democratic who believes in Barack Obama a great deal.  He knows that if Obama is elected president, the economic crisis will improve and the gas prices will lower.  My father also knows that after each speech by Barack Obama, change is occurring.  The power of Obama’s words and his intelligence makes him unique and allows him to rise above the lesser candidates.  My father also believes that the confidence, from Obama just to run in this election, makes him superior than the rest.  Obama has done a great number of remarkable things within this election and winning, will only make him more remarkable.  

Monday, October 6, 2008

Political Cartoons

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Political Cartoon: 8/29/08

          The Republican Party goes the extra mile to select a youthful, pretty, and friendly candidate to run along side, full of years, McCain.  This political cartoon shows McCain announcing his female V.P, Sarah Palin, as his running mate.  It also shows McCain proclaiming, “My running mate has the qualifications to step in if I am unable to fulfill my duties of office.”  While he is saying this, Palin is standing next to him wearing a Miss. Congeniality-1984 ribbon. This ribbon depicts Palin to be pretty and friendly, as well as young.  This political cartoon shows that McCain chose Sarah Palin because of her outer appearance, not because of her knowledge or intelligence.  It is also showing us how McCain chose a young, inexperienced woman to be his running mate.  This MSNBC cartoonist is trying to point out that the only reason McCain chose Palin was for his own political gain.  The political gain that McCain was hoping to get, would be winning over some of the 18 million Hillary Clinton supporters, from Obama.  In conclusion, McCain’s main focus in selecting Palin as his V.P. was to bring in some female voters, which he is lacking.

MLA Citation~

Beeler, Nate. "Political Cartoon." The Washington Examiner. 29 Aug. 08. 30 Aug. 08

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