Saturday, November 8, 2008

Obama~ Mission Statement

If you believe in your country, 

the outcome is always a success.

One man can not change the US, 

but one country can.

McCain~ Mission Statement

An American soldier

is the most honorable American;

they bring proud change

 to our nation.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Barack Obama

Obama’s family and culture will have a great deal of impact on his future decisions and his view points on many issues. Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. He was born to a white mother, Ann Dunham, and a black father Barack Obama Sr.. When Barack’s father went to finish his education at Harvard, Barack and his mother stayed behind in Hawaii. Therefore, Obama was raised by a single mother and his grandparents. Barack’s family did not have much money, but Barack was still able to put himself through school with loans. Barack obtained an early college in Jakarta, Indonesia. After, he went to Harvard University and studied law. There he became the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.
In 1989, Barack and Michele met in Harvard University. They both soon fell in love and were married on October 18, 1992. Now Barack and Michele have two daughters, Malia Ann and Natasha. In 2004, Barack was elected democrat of the U.S Senate, representing Illinois. Then in 2008 he became the democratic candidate of the presidential election.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s political back round will affect his future decisions, because he will be applying his past knowledge and earlier experience as guidelines for what lies ahead. Joe Biden was born on November 20, 1942 in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He is the son of Joseph Robinette Biden Sr. and Catherine Eugenia Finnegan. In 1965, Biden graduated from the University of Delaware; he then rolled in Syracuse, a University for law school. In 1966, Joe married his first wife, Neilia hunter. Soon after they have Joseph R Biden III., Hunter, and Naomi Christina. After the car crash Biden’s family encountered, Biden marries Jill Tracy Jacob, a school teacher. They later have a daughter named Ashley.
Soon after, Biden is elected Delaware’s U.S senator. At age 29, he is the 5th youngest U.S senator ever. Biden wins reelection in Delaware Senator five different times. In 1987, Biden runs for president. But the next year he is diagnosed with two aneurysms in his brain. Fortunately, he undergoes successful surgery. Once more in 2007, Biden announces that he will be campaigning for 2008 democratic nominee for the presidential election (he later drops out). Then in 2008, Obama makes a decision and nominates Joe Biden to become his next vice president.

John McCain

John McCain’s military back round will greatly affect how he solves foreign problems, and how he deals with many issues. John Sidney McCain the III, was born on August 29, 1936 in the Coco Solo Naval Air Station. He is the son of John S. McCain Jr. and Roberta. McCain spent his childhood moving to many naval places in America because McCain’s father commanded in all of the naval forces in the Pacific. After high school, McCain went to a Naval Academy in Annapolis. There, he followed in his fathers and grandfathers footsteps, graduating 5th from last in his class. McCain was first introduced to politics in 1976. This occurred after McCain retired from the navy and married his second wife, Cindy Hensley.
McCain was first elected political office on November 2, 1982 in the house of Representatives. He was then reelected in 1984. In 1986 McCain was elected a US senator. He earned a great reputation of a conservative republican who was not afraid to question or disagree with anything. McCain was elected three different times as the US senate, each time winning with a solid majority. In 1999 McCain wrote Faith of My Fathers. This was a story about McCain’s family and their military history. Then in 2000 McCain ran against George W. Bush in becoming the next republican presidential nominee. Although McCain won most of the New England states, Bush emerges in triumph of Super Tuesday, leaving McCain to suspend his campaign. Then in 2007 McCain officially entered the 2008 election.

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin’s background influences, and will continue to influence her decisions and core of beliefs, as she begins to take her role as the republican, vice president nominee. Sarah Louise Heath Palin was born on February 11, 1964 in Sandpoint, Idaho. Sarah moved to Alaska at the age of three month’s, when her parents went to teach school there. In High school, Sarah was an amazing basketball player, she never gave up, especially when her team needed her most. After high school, Sarah wore the crown for Miss. Wasilla and was a runner up for Miss. Alaska. Then in 1987, Sarah went to Idaho University and earned her bachelor degree in journalism.
In 1992, Sarah entered the world of politics, winning a seat in the Wasilla City Council. Four years later, she was elected mayor and she changed Alaska a great deal. Not only did she cut property taxes, but she also reduced spendings. Then in 2006 Sarah ran for governor of Alaska, eventually winning. While governor, Sarah focused on education, transportation, and public safety. Then in 2008, Sarah was nominated second woman to run for vice president, and the first republican, alongside McCain. Sarah joked about herself saying that she was just an average hockey mom. She also said that the only difference between a hockey mom and a Pit Bull is lipstick.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama: General Issues


Obama’s belief on abortion has varied according to the situation the mother is in.  Actually, just recently Obama has voted against late term abortion unless the mother’s life is at risk.  He believes that if a mother is not ready to have a child; she should have an abortion as early in the pregnancy as possible.  He also believes that another ‘solution’ can also be adoption, that way, the child can live, and the mother does not take on a responsibility that she is not ready to handle.


Obama believes that education is one of the most important issues in this election.  He ensures that if elected president, every child will have access to high-quality learning programs.  He sees charter schools as a way to keep competition within public schools, and if elected president, he will double the funds for these schools. He would also like to have well-educated, qualified teachers to teach the children. Obama also states that education is the path to success, and it determines many things in life.

Death Penalty~

Obama believes that the death penalty does, “little to deter crime”.  Although, he states it is appropriate for some circumstances including terrorists, and the harm of children.  Obama exclaims that we have had our problems with the death penalty, and that is why the monetarism was placed.  He also believes that it should be fair and uniformly applied.  Also, more than one person should decide whether or not somebody deserves this harsh punishment.   


Obama stated that if he is elected president, he will do many things to help the environment.   He believes global warming is a critical issue, and that it was wrong for Bush to think of it as a hoax.  Obama also stated that he plans to charge every power plant for every bit of pollution that they send into the atmosphere.  This will make them want to stop and find better energy sources that will not pollute the environment, so they can save money.  Obama is also planning to increase the fuel efficiency standards to 40 miles per gallon.  After he do this, this country will save the equivalent of all of the oil imported from the Persian Golf.

Health Care~

If Obama is elected president, he will create a health care program for people who do not have employer-provider health care, or they do not qualify for any other program.  He believes that all children should have health care, but it is not mandatory for all adults to have health care.  He also believes that people under the age of 25 should be covered under their parents plan.   He would also give the people a choice between private or public insurance programs, depending on their needs.  


Obama is a great believer in national security, and he is against immigration.  He actually supported Bush-Backed Immigration Reform Legislation.  This would have, “Increased funding and improved border security technology, improved enforcement of existing laws, and provided a legal path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants.  Obama also voted for a 700-mile fence across the US Mexican border, for more protection.

Iraq War~

In this election, the tenacity from the candidates on whether or not they are for the Iraq war will make a great impact on their votes. Obama states that he is not “against all wars, just dumb wars”.  He also proclaims that if he is elected President, he will remove one or two combat brigade’s each month, as well as having all of the American troops out of Iraq within sixteen months.  Also, he will take two billion dollars and support more than four million Iraqis, to ensure our countries safety.    He is also planning to make it clear that the US does not wish to have a permanent base in Iraq.  This action is also done to ensure our countries safety.


Obama supports the $700 billion Wall Street bailout package.  He said that, "America is facing one of the greatest financial crises in history, and today's passage of an emergency rescue plan was absolutely necessary to prevent an economic catastrophe that could have cost millions of jobs and forced businesses across the country into bankruptcy." His rescue plan includes that every business will receive a 3,000 refundable tax credit for each additional, full time employee.  He also proposed that he would loke to create a $25 billion infrastructure investment, to build roads and bridges. This action will save, and provide many jobs.  


Because of the economic crisis, many people are suffering from poverty.  These people are unable to take care of themselves, or their family.  If Obama becomes the next president of the US, he is planning to lower taxes for the middle class, and senior citizens.  He also wants to create a “Promise Neighborhood,” which would basically offer many benefits from birth, till college.  Obama also supports the Global Poverty Act.  This act is said to cut extreme global poverty in half by 2015. 

Stem Cell Research~

Obama is against the increase of stem celled research, and he opposes the creation of human embryos for research purposes. He also opposes cloning and any other experiments done on humans.  In fact, he stated that, "We owe it to the American public to explore the potential of stem cells to treat the millions of people suffering from debilitating and life-threatening diseases."  Obama was also part of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007.  

McCain: General Issues


McCain does not believe in abortion, and he does not see it as a ‘solution’ to a mother who is not ready to take responsibility of another child.   Instead, the mother should have thought before acted, and waited before taking on this huge responsibility.  McCain classifies himself as pro-life, for he has voted for the Prohibit Partial Birth Abortion bill.  McCain usually gives a terse answer on this subject and he states that if elected president, the US will have a Pro-Life presidency.


McCain says that we need more charter schools, therefore, more opportunities for children all across the US.  He believes that if the US public prefer homeschooling, then he will make it more available.  He says that it is time to give every child an opportunity in education. Also he believes that a teacher’s salary should be raised because their job is extremely important because they educate the future of the US. Educating the children of the US will always be a top priority for McCain, whether or not he becomes the next president of the US.

Death Penalty~

McCain is a great believer in death penalty for federal crimes.  He believes that any person above the age of eighteen who breaks a federal law, e.g.  growing marijuana, should be immediately killed.  He also believes that no racial statistics should be taken into consideration, and that the person guilty deserves this harsh punishment.  


McCain believes and knows that climate change is real.  He also knows that greenhouse gas emissions are a threat. That is why, if he is elected president, he will fix these problems for the next generation of Americans.   McCain believes that nuclear power plants are a great way to conserve energy, that way there will be no permanent damage done on earth.  He looks to France as an example, and he believes that their way with energy is very good.

Health Care~

“John McCain opposes federally mandated universal coverage.  Believes competition will improve the quality of health insurance.”  He also believes that more small businesses should negotiate with insurance companies for lower prices for their employees.  McCain also says that if he is elected president, he will give health care tax dividends for low-income Americans.   Not only that, but he wants it to be so even if you are transferred to a different job, you will have the same insurance plan.  


McCain has strict beliefs on the nation’s security.  He Co-sponsored the Bush-Backed Immigration Reform Legislation. This would have, “Increased funding and improved border security technology, improved enforcement of existing laws, and provided a legal path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. McCain also voted for a 700-mile fence along the US Mexican border, for more protection.

Iraq War~

Hands on, John McCain is 100% for the Iraq War.  He voted in 2002 to send American troops to Iraq.  Now is says that, “Our goal is an Iraq that no longer needs American troops.” If McCain is elected President, he states that by 2013, America will have won the Iraq war, and the troops will come home from battle.   McCain believes that we are on the right track for this battle, and with a little more time, the US can change Iraq for the better.  


McCain also supported the $700 Billion Wall Street Bailout Package.  He stated that,  "This rescue bill isn't perfect, and it is an outrage that it's even necessary, but we have to stop the damage to our economy done by corrupt and incompetent practices on Wall Street and in Washington. The action Congress took [on October 3] is a tourniquet. It is not a permanent solution."  McCain says that if he is elected president, he will allow the US public to know all of the news about Wall Street, and he will not hide anything.  He also proposed a plan called the Mortgage Plan.  The plan allows the federal government to buy bad loans, and then these loans would be converted into low-interest loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration.  


This issue is making life in the US harder, and some people aren’t even able to afford it.  McCain states that if he is elected president, he will make sure to make it possible for the 12 million children who deserve an opportunity to live the American Dream, to live that dream.  McCain hopes that America will soon have mostly rich and middle class societies that can put their children through college, and earn a good retirement.   Also, over the past few years, McCain has voted against raising the minimum wage because he is worried that it will hurt the smaller businesses.   Hopefully, we will soon find a solution to poverty, and it will be demolished from America entirely.  

Stem Cell Research~

McCain says that he supports the stem celled research only on embryos that would be eventually discarded.  Also, he opposes the creation of humans for research purposes, and he is against cloning, or any other experiment done on humans.  McCain voted for the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007.  He was also part of the Human cloning prohibition act of 2007, as well.