Monday, September 22, 2008

Political Cartoon: 9/07/08

            Once again, Palin shows herself favoring something, yet her personal life says something different. This political cartoon shows Palin’s home with a polar bear picture. This Polar Bear picture represents that Palin is for saving the animals, and stopping global warming. Yet, the smoke from her chimney is one of the causes of global warming. This smoke depicts that although Palin tells us she is for saving the animals, and stopping global warming, her personal life still shows that she is just talk. This is because even though she tells the U.S that she is for something, she proves that she could care less by doing the total opposite. A person standing outside Palin’s home exclaims, “This can only mean more enthusiasm from the base.” This person is expressing that unfortunately, this hasn’t been the first time Palin has expressed this message. For example, when Palin talked about being abstinence to sex, she had explained about it as if her family wasabstinence to sex, which in fact her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. This demonstrates that Palin’s family is not abstinence to sex, and once again she is caught in a lie.  In conclusion, Sarah Palin says many great ideas that unfortunately she herself does not follow. Further more, the people of the U.S are beginning to notice and they are against her, “technique” to gain supporters.

MLA Citation~

Toles, Tom. "Political Cartoon." Washington Post. 7 Sept. 08. 8 Sept. 08

< cartoonsandvideos/toles_main.html?name=toles&date=09072008&type=c >. 

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Political Cartoon: 9/8/08

          The candidates are more focuses on winning the race, than on actually addressing the grim reality by the citizens. This political cartoon proposes that McCain said “Change” 10 times today, and Obama said “Change” 20 times today. This depicts that the presidential candidates are competing over the littlest things, when they could actually be making a difference. The candidates should also be coming through with their promises instead of talking large and doing so little. This political cartoon also displays and unemployed, poor man holding a cup, pleading for “Change”. This demonstrates that the public is not getting any benefit from the candidate’s speeches. The candidates have their heads in the clouds, and their only goal is to say something better than the other. In conclusion, the presidential candidates have yet to “Change” the US. They have only spoken about it, describing what they will do, instead of what they are doing.

MLA Citation~

Peters, Mike. "Political Cartoon." Cartoonist Group. 5 Sept. 08. 8 Sept. 08 

< >.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Political Cartoon: 9/15/08

           The republican candidates John McCain and Sarah Palin are making their way towards the White House on a foundation of lies. This political cartoon displays McCain driving a construction vehicle, while he is driving, he proclaims, “This one is to somewhere.” This comment is referring to a block that McCain’s vehicle is holding; this block reads the word, “LIES”. Unfortunately, this is not the only place where this word is seen. The road to which leads McCain and Palin to the White House, is made up of blocks which also state the word, “LIES”. This cartoonist is mocking McCain and Palin, and their building blocks towards being elected to becoming the next president and vice-president. The construction vehicle represents McCain and his progress in the campaign. These building blocks express that McCain’s whole campaign revolves around lies. Also because of McCain’s statement, it is oblivious that McCain can easily say one lie after another. This political cartoon also reveals a person watching McCain. While he is watching him, the person exclaims, “Quite an infrastructure investment.” This statement is evidence that the public also feels that McCain’s speeches and ideas are built on lies. In Conclusion, the republican candidate and his VP have told many lies and will continue to do so until they have reached their destination.

MLA Citation~

Toles, Tom. "Political Cartoon." Washington Post. 15 Sept. 08. 15 Sept. 08 >.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Political Cartoon: 9/22/08

        The US Government focuses on cheating their way into making money rather than putting in the effort to make money the proper and correct way.  This political cartoon depicts a government official reading the new employee, "How to Steal" handbook.  While the official is reading this, he proposes that the handbook looks like a clue.  The clue he is referring to is in the title, "How to Steal".  This phrase states that the government is trying to teach the officials how to steal, just to make the US wealthier.  On the agenda of the US Treasury, is a tax scam trial.  Once again, the government is trying to make an easy dollar, this time forcing the US citizens to be the victims.  Because the government officials are only focusing on making money, they are not paying to their moral ethics.  Therefore, they are stealing and scamming without regret or feeling shameful.  This political cartoon also demonstrates a citizen of the US exclaiming, "That was just the one for beginners."  This is referring to the handbook, and it is portraying that all officials are taught this terrible technique.  Also, the US public notices all of the stealing and scamming done by the government. The US government obviously takes advantage of their position of authority, and they abuse it.  They do not follow their moral ethics either, they only do what they feel will increase the wealth of the United States of America.  

MLA Citation~

Toles, Tom. "Political Cartoon." Washington Post. 22 Sept. 08. 22 Sept. 08


 toles_main.html?name=toles&date=09222008&type=c >.